I will attempt to bring some flow to all of the below - thanks for being a reader and make sure to check out other State UFO Blogs (in the sidebar) - and thanks for having a mind still into exploring and not just accepting.
Frankly, I'm a little blown away by just looking at the reports with pictures - indeed, this is one of the most interesting two reports I've seen in some period of time. ... The crux of it is that TWO reports at DIFFERENT times of the day of the SAME cloud experience - one with a meteorologist - and the FIRST report, below, claims that this was quite nefarious indeed.
Before you blow this off - I myself had a VERY strange cloud observation in Atlanta in early May on May 5th - http://ufodisclosurecountdownclock.blogspot.com/2014/05/ufos-fakes-and-other-tales.html I wrote it up in my blog like this:
So, I had a most peculiar `Chemtrail' observation yesterday.... in the Atlanta skies you can depend on one particular area to often have the big C. But, as you know, TPTB are reluctant to spray into crystal clear blue skies anything more than their short version of the full Chemtrail effect. Now, as I said, a completely clear day... all normal planes I see, as always from the Atlanta Airport (I'm about 40 miles north of it) - have no contrails at all.... but all of a sudden..... a misty foggy image of a cloud began to form in the general location of where the big C's are often seen..... so, I go and get my best binoculars from the back bedroom to take a closer look..... and just as I get back to my back porch... not 20 seconds later.... the whole `cloud' (and we are NOT talking about small) was a squarish shape and RIGHT IN THE CENTER OF IT EMERGED A CHEMTRAIL PLANE. ---- IT did NOT come from ANYWHERE but the center of this `cloud'. Just sharing.
So, I hope you have an open mind. Here we go.
2014 Georgia UFO Reports With Pictures And Videos
April 30th (9:40 AM) Atlanta - WEIRD CLOUD WITH OBJECTS (reported to MUFON 5/6)
it was tuesday morning, I was leaving homedepot and as im walking out the door I just look up. its just something I do now due to the experiences ive encounter in the past. well back to what I was saying I was looking up while I was leaving home depot something really big came down really low above me forming a mushroom shape cloud camouflaging itself under it. im looking around me and there's no one around me, no noise and I started seeing things come out from under it were black disk objects, and one that was just hovering observing everything around me, this object is on the right side of the cloud. and the other to the top left of the cloud. I also noticed a small figure on top of the van in front of me really small green camouflage figure.I quickly jumped in my work van took a pic, caught all three images in one. than took another one when the objects that were hovering were going back into the cloud, and whatever was on that van in front of me disappears. than within 2 minutes or so the cloud goes out of a mushroom shaped cloud to nothing and the object below disappears.
The Pictures Submitted With Above Report
Then, the 2nd picture - perhaps an object? (on the enlargement)
April 30th (3pm) - Weird Cloud Structure
Link To Report Below (Reported to MUFON on 4/30)
Long Description of Sighting Report |
This witness prefers to not be identified. It was a bizarre cloud-like structure. As a meteorologist in Atlanta for more than 30 years, I have never seen anything like it. |
Really Bizarre, Interesting. -- As usual, the one is an over description of `alien' activity (that I don't really see in the photos except for the smudge that might be something). But, the reports combined should keep Atlantan's checking the sky more often.
More Reports
No location specified, non articulation makes report suspect
The pictures submitted

On May 20th in Conyers --- an incredible video - too incredible for me, with non credible `report' IMO -- BUT, if you want to see something VERY weird - click the link below and the 10 second video will begin and show .... who knows what.
High Strangeness?
asked the pilot and got a chuckle
a totally over the top report, believable, don't know - NO PROOF submitted in any fashion - NOT congruent with the report - is this a MUFON guy? - nothing submitted since either - an excerpt below
On the nights of 4/3/14, 4/4/14, 4/5/14 [Item Moved/CMS/nd] (a former mayor) have been observing unusual activity off of Hwy53 in Watinsville. I asked my friend [Item Moved/CMS/nd] to accompany me, I needed another witness and what we have discovered is unbelievable! We took photos(on tripod)of over 100 ufos over the last 3 days!We observed pulsating multi-colored lights over the tree tops and saw thru the binoculars a disc object stationary it was then joined by another then another,they seperated and slowly(like a plane) moved away from each other.We saw this multiple times and captured some unusual photos that I will send you today! We saw a flash close to us and then took a photo, what we saw will stun you! They shot beams of light toward the ground and towards other ufos. We saw(photo) a large ufo and smaller ones coming out of it! When a plane would come by they would blink out then reappear. We never heard a sound but we saw more than we could have imagined! There was more than we could see with the naked eye, the camera captured what we could not. I have been investigating ufos in my area for over 5 years and have never seen the high volume of ufos as we did last night
Need more High Strangeness?
Some of you have heard me speak about UFOs at Poem88 in Atlanta - and others of you may be familiar with my Kindle Books - many of which feature the UFOlogy of 2014. Please take a look at my Books, Amazon Prime members can borrow any book for FREE.
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